21 Powerful Digital Marketing Hacks That Are Relevant in 2023

digital marketing hacks

According to Milkwhale 66% of marketers believe that digital marketing is one of the best media to succeed so you definitely need to read this article to the end. In an ever-changing world where trends come and go and it seems marketing online seems confusing; you must be armed with tips and tricks to stay relevant to your audience. 

You need to adopt strategies to build and keep awareness and make a profit to stay winning in business. In this article, we would be sharing the top 21 digital marketing hacks that are still relevant in 2022. 

  1. Show Care

One hack to excel in the digital marketing space is to be genuinely interested in providing solutions to your potential client’s pain points or problems. There are tons of competitors and one good way to be unique is to have good customer service. A mediocre product with great customer service will usually have more repeat customers than a bad product with terrible customer service. People naturally gravitate towards where they are welcome. Use inviting and friendly tones during conversations with your customers. Bad customer service can cost you potential customers and bad reviews spread faster so be careful and show that you care. 

  1. Give Value

To stand out and be relevant in 2022; you must be intentional about creating value and sharing value with your customer on all possible platforms. Let your space be a go-to for information in your niche. Creating and sharing value makes your audience share with friends which in turn bumps up your engagement and visibility. 

  1. Use Automation

You may be wondering if your favorite influencer or content creator ever sleeps or how come brands stay consistent with creating content and having time to engage and market their products. Well, the answer is in creating automated systems. 

There are lots of tools that make online businesses easier to run. For example, we have scheduling apps to help schedule content across different platforms. This can also help garner insights for a data-driven decision-making process. Also, you can automate inquiries from leads by answering frequently asked questions to help reply to customers promptly and precisely. You don’t need to burn out to be consistent in running your digital business.

  1. Outsource/ Delegate tasks

You don’t have to run your business alone, especially when you can afford it. As earlier mentioned, automate tasks that can be automated however if there are tasks that need human involvement then you can outsource them. Time is money and instead of spending ample time doing tasks that don’t directly affect sales or need your attention, why not delegate? You can outsource content creation, marketing, logistics, and marketing services to professionals. This in turn increases your profit. Your business should not revolve around you such that it suffers when you are unavoidably absent.

  1. Add Videos to Your Marketing Content
Video marketing

Video marketing is the new wave of online marketing. Most digital platforms have incorporated features that accommodate the use of video to push out content. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok push out content from creators and users who use their video features.

Hence, you need to get on video marketing to get noticed too. You can create videos that educate the audience, teach or explain complex processes, share life updates, promote products and services and even share funny content. You must make it catchy, interesting, and relatable to the audience. And you don’t have to show your face to create great video content. Other types of video content you can create are animation videos, explainer videos, slide shows, brand story videos, etc. 

  1. Jump on Livestream

This is almost similar to the previous point but the difference is that this one is done in real-time. You go live and the two-way communication is usually established. People can leave comments and you respond immediately. People need to know, like, and trust a brand before they engage and buy. Going live is a good tip to build trust. People can identify with personality and brand as they can easily see, and respond to you on the live stream.

You can answer questions and get to know your audience. You can also use Livestream to teach and educate potential clients and customers on your brand. Also, your content gets pushed out more while going live and you can reach more leads than posting pictures and carousels.

  1. Build a Community

88% of branded communities said that that community has helped improve customer experience and 78% of communities say it has been used to develop new/future products and services. Everyone wants to identify with a community and being intentional about building a tribe or community from your brand will go a long way in gaining trust and fans.

  1. Use Email Marketing

There is a popular myth that email marketing is dead. Email marketing works!  People check their emails every day but you just have to use attention-grabbing headlines and previews to sustain their attention to leave an impression. With the right strategy, you can have leads that can become paying clients. You can build an email list by giving out value for free and in exchange get their email address.

Avoid clickbait and too “salesy” copy so your audience doesn’t unsubscribe. Clickbait is a way of using misleading but catchy lines or headlines to cajole people to read your article or post which is usually not related to the content. It is deceptive and doesn’t project the brand in a good light.

  1. Try Meme Marketing

This is a new phenomenon that makes connecting with the audience fun. Businesses and brands can incorporate relatable and fun memes to pass across the information. It can be used to create fun, educative content to show the human side and fun personality of a brand. Although, it has to be used with caution so the wrong message is not communicated. Also, you can make use of stickers and gifs during sales conversations in most messaging social apps. 

  1. Use Influencers to Amplify Your Reach

A social media influencer is someone who has established credibility in a specific industry or niche and has amassed a huge following or audience that he or she can persuade or influence to make a decision based on their recommendation. There are tons of people in the online space who are loved by people based on personality or what they do. As a business owner, you can leverage people’s love for them to extend their love and trust to you by making these influencers promote and use your product and service.

This is a great avenue for easy visibility and sales if done rightly. Research influencers who have your targeted audience and are intentional about letting their audience love and know your brand. Also, you don’t have to start with big influencers; rather you can spread out your budget and work with micro-influencers who have your target audience as members of their community and this will give you phenomenal reach and increased revenue. 

  1. Collaborate & Partner With Others

The beauty of the internet is that there are no limits to your interactions. You can connect with people from different parts of the world, to learn, motivate and execute projects together. You can research for people with services or products that your kind of audience needs or buy so you can leverage each other’s audience. You should ensure there are agreements to sign and specific deliverables for a smooth and successful collaboration. 

  1. Have an Updated Blog

As SEO (Search Engine Optimization) rankings become more popular, it is important that you leverage owning and updating your blog and website. We encourage our clients to share information that is useful to their potential clients or consumers through blogging. You can share educational content, tips, and tricks on how to use your product or services, how-tos posts, etc. They help your audience see you as an authority, and you remain top of mind when they need the product/service you offer. 

  1. Host a Podcast

A podcast is simply a digital radio which can either be recorded or live where a person or persons discuss issues and share information with a targeted audience. There are different types of podcasts like monologue, interview, conversational, investigative, etc podcasts. It may be in series for a varying number of minutes at a time and produced daily, weekly, bi-weekly or monthly.

There are tons of people who tune in to listen to podcasts to get information and stay updated. Business owners and professionals can leverage this platform to pull in an audience from this medium. Being consistent and sharing valuable content have an overall effect on your business and brand.

  1. Repurpose Old Content

You don’t have to burn out and worry about creating content. Repurposing old content is a good trick to always have something to share in the online space. An article can be repurposed into an infographic, short social media caption series, slideshow, graphics, or a script for a YouTube video.  You can always reshare evergreen content for new audiences to see and old audiences to remember. You know what? They don’t usually remember. You can also update old content with new material to make it relevant for your audience today. 

  1. Be A Guest

There is no rule against being a guest on other people’s. Are you an authority in a field? You can look out for events and platforms to share knowledge and insight based on what you do. You can be a guest on a blog, podcast, live session, talk shows, etc. This way you can leverage other people’s platforms to increase your visibility and market your product. All you have to do is accept and look out for a platform with the same values and audience for maximum traction.

  1. Post Quality Pictures/Videos

Imagine you are a consumer looking to buy a product or use a service. Now, there are two brands offering the same product it seems, one has low-quality, blurry pictures while the other has sharp, beautifully taken pictures. Which would you pick? My guess is one with high-quality pictures. People love aesthetically pleasing pictures and may not give a low-light picture a second look. As a business owner seeking to strive in the digital market, invest in a good smartphone or camera and learn basic editing skills. This will help portray your brand as premium.

  1. Use Stories

Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, WhatsApp, etc have the story feature to help you sell and promote your brand. The story is a feature on social media platforms to let you share your day, trends or moment that lasts for 24 hours. They appear together in a slideshow format making it easy to view for those who can see your profile. It is free and with the right strategy, you can engage your audience and be top of mind when they need your service or product.

Another tip is to post at intervals for audiences who come at varying times of the day on Social media. There are tons of people who post on stories so don’t get lost in the crowd by posting once or posting uninteresting content. The types of content you can share on your story can be questions, polls, behind-the-scenes, reviews, educative, funny, informative, etc.

  1. Leverage Ads

Most small businesses do not take advantage of this because they believe it is expensive and may not be effective. Ads are fruitful as long as you are in for the long haul. It takes patience and having specific targets to reap the rewards of ads. Big brands leverage this to build brand loyalty and authority. You can start by running ads on the platform your audience usually spends time on. You can run ads on Google, YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, etc depending on your audience and goals.

  1. Use Retargeting

Have you ever searched online for something or talked about a product or service online and seen ads for the same product or service? Well, it is not a sheer coincidence. Social sites use cookies and settings to track potential clients and customers.

Statistics show that 43% of website visitors usually purchase when retargeted. You can use retargeting ads to bring visitors who leave your website without making a purchase. Though some social media platforms have native tools for retargeting. There are tons of third-party apps for web and social retargeting like SharpSpring Ads, Criterio, ReTargeter, etc.

  1. Adopt a Referral System

 Have you ever recommended a product just because you know you would get a discount on your next purchase or a particular amount for referring? Have you noticed that most businesses have a reward system for customers or audiences who refer to their products or services? That’s because it works! You can incorporate a reward system that works for your kind of business. You win and the referral wins too.  Some marketing software tools you can check out are Ambassador, Friendbuy, Extole, InviteBox, Vyper, Referral Candy,etc.

  1. Good Service or Product

 No marketing strategy beats word of mouth. Have you ever recommended a service because it was good? That is free marketing for the company. No amount of PR or advertising can sell a bad product or service. So the best tip you need is to ensure you deliver quality service to consumers. It pays your business in multiple folds.

These are our top 21 digital marketing tips and hacks to grow and retain your customers. You are assured that when you implement the above-mentioned tips you would experience accelerating growth in your business. 

We offer a VIP Strategic session where we analyse your business and show you where the money is, where the leaks are and how to get the best of your activities online. 

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